Book Jacket Design
We all know the cliché—don’t judge a book by its cover. But truthfully, it’s hard not to do that. Have you ever been in a bookstore (Yes! They still exist!) and felt drawn to pick up a book because the cover was so compelling? Maybe you liked the color, or the shape of the design? Or maybe you can’t pinpoint why you picked it up, the book just seemed intriguing. Book jacket design is a specialty, and we believe that it’s not like other types of graphic design. It’s challenging to encapsulate a book’s title, theme, and key message, and make it marketable to a specific target audience. At The Story Laboratory, we deeply understand the design and business of book covers. (Project-specific quotes)

Book Interior Design
Interior design is as important as a book’s cover. Font sets, elements, call-out boxes. All of these elements require cohesion in order to best represent a book’s content—and offer a good experience for the reader. Our designers specialize only in book design and understand both the design aspects and the technical elements required for standard offset and on-demand printing services. Of course you may write us to view our samples before we begin your project. (Project-specific quotes)

Marketing & Corporate Materials
We love working with entrepreneurs, and we love helping them innovate with strong messaging and branding. Whether you need basic logos and letterhead for a new business, or complex brochures for a key client, we can help.
(Project-specific quotes)

Curriculum & Training Materials
Teaching is not just a learned skill, but also an art. And research shows that people assimilate new information more easily when the information is embedded in artful storytelling. At The Story Laboratory we also understand the intricacies of editing curricular content, and the pedagogy behind it. Whether you have materials for a school or university, or training materials for a school, business, or workshop, we can provide consulting and editing through all phases of the curriculum development process. (Project-specific quotes)
*Image courtesy Clay Banks, Unsplash